I watched. And what I noticed right away was that these men were experienced and knowledgeable shoppers. No quick list from their wives with a few requests scribbled down here. They knew what the family liked and needed. I watched as they smelled and squeezed melons, lifted the strawberry containers to make sure the ones on the bottom were as fresh as the ones on the top, and carefully picked out just the right bag of grapes. Occasionally I heard a few of them greet each other and exchange a few words about the weekend soccer game, but there was no standing around engaging in lengthy conversation. They were there to get a job done. I was so intrigued that I did a couple of turns through produce just so I could continue to observe. (ATTENTION!!! STALKER IN AISLE 2!!!)
I wondered. Where was mom? Enjoying a quiet Sunday morning alone reading? Maybe, but more likely she was at home attending to other household chores like laundry and cleaning, often delegated to the weekend in the midst of busy lives.
Families. It takes everyone working together to live and grow and thrive.