smart, interesting, a great place to call home!
America builds ships, bridges like the Golden Gate, skyscrapers like Willis
Tower, synagogues like Beth Sholom.
America sings of purple mountains majesty and blue suede shoes and dancing
in the streets and good-bye Miss American pie.
America writes about Chicago and disappearing buffalo and Salem witches and a
trail of tears and Los Angeles smog.
America celebrates Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve in
in Times Square, Presidents’ Day, Martin Luther King, and Fourth of July.
America eats hot dogs, apple pie, corn-on-the-cob, peach cobbler, McDonald’s Big Mac,
okra and grits, Southern fried chicken, and lots of salads.
America wears red, white, and blue enthusiastically, her favorite color combination.
America sprawls from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Canadian border to Mexico.
America entertains ideas from Democrats and Republicans, Tea Party members,
the Constitution party, Libertarians, and Socialists.
America discovers that it is not always easy to keep everyone happy (as Abraham Lincoln once said, “You can please some of the people some of the time….”)
America explores possibilities and pushes the envelope to create scholars and pioneers.
America moves rockets to the moon and back, tractor trailers from New York to
California, school children to school and home again.
America invents the truths she needs to keep afloat – not always willing to look at herself
in the mirror and admit that some things need to change.
America laughs with comedians like Seinfeld, Fallon, Chris Rock, Letterman, Murphy,
Fey, Kimmel, and Louis C. K.
America cries when she loses a soldier, a president, a firefighter, a police officer, a child.
America vacations at her seashores and in the mountains, in Europe, Canada, and South
of the Border.
America says, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your
America teaches us democratic principles, to love our neighbors, to question, to share, to
America flows in great rivers like the Mississippi and Missouri and Colorado.
America tells tall tales of Paul Bunyan, Stormalong, Johnny Appleseed, and Pecos Bill.
America has comic book heroes: Superman, Spiderman, Wonderwoman, the Iron Giant, Deadpool.
America comes from a bloody, fierce revolution to claim her independence.
America protects rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
America speaks out against injustices and injuries to our planet – even through its movie
stars (Thank you, Leo!).
America shares its food, its knowledge, and its national treasures.
America dances the square dance, the jitterbug, the stomp, the electric slide, the monkey.
America paints like Andrew Wyeth, Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, Georgia O’Keeffe.
America plays baseball, soccer, football, hockey, lacrosse, and ice hockey.
America worships in synagogues, churches, mosques, meeting houses, and woodlands.
America blends her many faces into one beautiful mural – diversity is what makes her
smart, interesting, a great place to call home!