Today, I observe the thick greenness of the grass in my backyard and the tiny pink buds and red-purple leaves on the crab apple trees. Fat robins are everywhere, and my husband has dragged all the hoses from the garage to clean and fill the bird baths. I am almost certain a chickadee is building a nest in one of the tiny birdhouses. It is wonderful that it is so warm I am not even wearing a coat as I stand to survey the landscape. My two Welsh Corgis sprint back and forth by the fence that separates us from Sandy Run Park, probably because a squirrel has been spotted.
I hope this year I am here to notice the pink-petal beauty that fills my windowscapes. Sometimes, I have been away at a conference – just long enough to miss the big show! Usually, I wait until late April for this pageantry, but this year I think it may be quite early. How fleeting some things are – like the delicate petals that fall like pink rain shortly after they bloom! I’ve been waiting for Spring very patiently and only wish that she would stay a little longer. I always feel I have to say good-bye to her too soon. I sigh. This, I believe, is often true of so many things.