I wondered what the seagulls were doing and why they had gathered. I studied them for about fifteen minutes. Some were sitting on the macadam, and some were standing. All of them seemed to be looking about, their feathered heads poking in different directions. I watched as a few took off, black-tipped wings flapping, soaring higher and higher. Even more fun to watch was the landing some of the newcomers made. I found myself scoring the landings as if I were a judge at a gymnastics meet. Some nailed it with a perfect 10 while others touched down and then took a few steps. Those were more an 8 or a 9, I decided.
As I watched, lots of questions came to mind. Why were they gathering in a parking lot? Where would they be if the lot were full? Were they sending out scouts for food sources who would come back to report? Then all of a sudden, as if on cue, they all took off at once! Off to find food, I hope…or maybe the beach!