During the March 2016 SOL I learned…
…of the power of a writing community (but I already knew that).
…that I stretch myself as a writer when I try different organizational structures.
…that sometimes it’s hard for me to read someone’s writing because of the feelings
that surface or the memories it reveals, but it is important to do so.
…that commenting is an art.
…that titles and teasers are important – they serve as an invitation to the reader.
…that by striving to read the post of at least one new slicer a day, the community
I created for myself felt wider and stronger.
…that I can find the time to write every day.
...that every day in life there is at least one moment that provides a laugh, a lesson, or a wonder if we are open to it. Remember:
Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop to look around once in a while, you
could miss it. -Ferris Bueller
And because I am a big fan of bookend books (the beginning mirrors the ending in some way), I will close with some thoughts from my post on March 1 with a nod once again to Rob Gonsalves’ Imagine books:
Imagine…growing in confidence as a writer.
Imagine…finding stories in your everyday routines.
Imagine…being part of a writing community that offers daily support and
Imagine…The March SOL Story Challenge.
Thank you to Stacey, Tara, Dana, Betsy, Anna, Beth, Kathleen, and Deb for all your hard work organizing and keeping everyone on track.
Thank you to everyone who responded so thoughtfully and encouragingly to my writing.
See you on Tuesdays!