Spring is coming!
Spring is coming!
Ask me how I know.
I met some pussy willows,
And they all told me so!
When I was working in the schools I loved to hang poems on the wall outside my office. I always smiled when I could hear kids standing in line quietly whispering the words. How I Know was a favorite for March and I thought of it yesterday. I spent some time in the garden checking for new growth on the perennials, clearing some debris, and wishing the rabbits would leave the irises alone. I noticed the beautiful blossoms on the magnolia tree down the street and vowed again that one day I would get to Washington to see the cherry blossoms. Spring was definitely in the air, so I planted some pansies and set out a couple of planters of sweet alyssum and johnny jump-ups. The air was a little chilly, but I could smell spring.
Here’s a little poem I wrote for this Easter Day with a nod to How I Know.
Daffodils and pansies
Crocuses and more.
Soon there will be tulips
And hyacinths galore!
Pussy willows tell me
That soon it will be spring
Purple, yellow, pink, and green
Colors soon to sing!