I quickly discovered that this was a well-established community, and while I was immediately recognized as a “newbie,” I was welcomed with open arms. I was introduced to several of the regulars who eagerly shared their stories. After all, when you are floating around in the deep end of the pool on a noodle doing bicycle legs and feeling like a sea-horse, there is lots of room for conversation. I wondered if sea-horses bobbed around having underwater conversations (maybe there’s a book in there!).
The instructor showed me how to do each exercise before she announced it to the group, always reminding me to go at my own pace and listen to my body. She sympathized, complemented, and offered helpful suggestions and explanations. I felt comfortable, most likely because I was able to draw quite a few parallels to what happens in a community of writers, especially here at TWT.
The hour went by quickly and although there were some tough exercises, there was also laughter, comradery, and yes, even singing. But I’ll save that story for later.